Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Pairin Kitingan: Undilah Pembangkang

Beliau mengeluarkan kenyataan ini di rumahnya di majlis makan malam tertutup yang dihadiri oleh saudara mara serta rakan-rakannya. Kebanyakan mereka yang menghadiri majlis tersebut adalah daripada penyokong parti Pembangkang dan Kerajaan tetapi datang sebagai individu.

Sebagai seorang Paramount KadazanDusunMurun (KDM), beliau seharusnya tidak memegang mana-mana jawatan dalam kerajaan kerana beliau seharusnya bersifat neutral dan tidak berat sebelah. Tetapi dalam keadaan beliau, keadaannya memaksa untuk beliau menutup mata serta membiarkan hidungnya dicucuk seperti kerbau. Seorang pemimpin yang terkemukan tetapi merupakan orang suruhan Musa Aman. Menjatuhkan maruah dirinya. Sumbangannya di masa lampau telah ditenggelamkan oleh tindakan yang diambilnya sekarang sehingga membuatkan rakyat melihatnya sebagai Kerbau ternakan UMNO-BN.

Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, untuk kali terakhir ini, Keluarlah daripada Barisan Nasional dan Berjuanglah demi Rakyat! We vote you in, but we also can vote you out... Your time almost come if you didn't take the right things... And we thanks for what you have done in the past but now, it's hard for us to even say Thanks to you for you done nothing but only become the witness of your suffering people...

Edited: 6/3/2013

The Will of Sabahan/North Bornean!


Malaysia facing secession threat in Borneo


The Coming 50th Independence Day for the Borneo States 2013!

Dear my Bornean people of North Bornean (Sabahan) and Sarawakian... This year is the mark of the beginning of a New Government where on the 22  July 1963, Sarawak has been granted an Independence from the Colonial Master of United Kingdom of Great Britain and followed by North Borneo on the 31st August 1963. These two both Borneo States were granted an Independence due to the formation of Federation of Malaysia.

North Borneo Hotel

A Name that attract my attention in Tawau Town before... Really happy to see this name in  town... A name that will be use back again once Sabah and Sarawak unfederate from Malaysia/Malaya...

Free West Papua!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM): Sabah Negara Merdeka

Please sign the Petition for Sabah and Sarawak so that we shall be a truly an Independence Country in this coming few years from now...

Petition for Sabah and Sarawak

Join SSKM group in facebook so that we can keep in touch everyday.

Hak Minyak Sabah dan Sarawak

Sabah dan Sarawak merupakan sebuah negara berdaulat dalam persekutuan Malaysia. Pada awal 70an Sarawak dan Sabah setuju berkongsi hasil minyak mereka demi perpaduan dan kemakmuran persekutuan Malaysia. 

Ceramah pembentukan malaysia sempena hari malaysia

A sharing of video from facebook... The sharing of the real Formation of Malaysia was done in public in Ranau by a school teacher. A credit to his spirit! This is the kind of teacher that we, Sabahan want!


Perbezaan Hari Kemerdekaan Amerika Syarikat dengan Malaysia

Jika USA Federation disamakan dengan Malaysia, adalah sesuatu yang tidak relevan dan bercanggah sama sekali dengan garis masa sejarah atau HISTORY TIMELINE kerana:

1.       USA wujud terlebih dahulu dan negeri yang lain “memohon untuk menjadi ahli” USA dan pasti tarikh 4 Julai haruslah dipersetujui sebagai tarikh kumulatif kemerdekaan USA itu sendiri.

Jangan menghina Bangsa Sabah dan Sarawak!!!

55 Tahun MERDEKA bilang tapi..

Idea ini di olah dan di ambil dari FB kes yang menghina sabah dan sarawak

Credit to Mandating...

Perutusan Hari Kemerdekaan Sabah ke-49 daripada Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan

Let us listen what Dr.Jeffrey G.Kitingan wish and message to all Sabahan...

Sabahan and Sarawakian want to "unfederated" from Federation of Malaysia

Fakta tidak pernah berbohong

Letter to the Editor

Fakta tidak pernah berbohong... Sabah merdeka menjadi negara pada 31 Ogos 1963 kini sepatutnya kita merayakan kemerdekaan Sabah yang ke 49. bukanya 55 tahun seperti yang diwar-warkan dalam tv kerajaan.

Fakta tidak pernah berbohong... 16 September adalah hari malaysia dan perkara itu wajib kita rayakan dengan semangat perpaduan yang tinggi.

Genap 49 tahun, mereka cuba memadamkan ingatan kita terhadap sejarah pembentukan Sabah. melalui pelbagai cara dari buku teks hinggalah ke penulisan sejarah. sadisnya mereka memutar belitkan fakta dengan niat selamanya rakyat Sabah akan tetap tunduk kepada mereka.



Malaysia tidak pernah merdeka... Mengapa??? Pernahkah Malaysia dijajah??? TIDAK!!! Apa yang perlu disambut ialah Hari Malaysia (Malaysia Day) pada 16 September... Dengan mengatakan Malaysia Merdeka, ia membawa erti seolah-olah Malaysia pernah dijajah oleh kuasa asing... Kalau betul Malaysia dijajah, siapa kah yang menjajah Malaysia? Setahu saya, hanya North Borneo(Sabah), Sarawak, Singapore dan Malaya sahaja yang pernah dijajah oleh kuasa asing iaitu British... Pada 31 Ogos 1957 adalah hari kemerdekaan Malaya yang bebas daripada kuasa asing manakala Sabah merdeka pada 31 Ogos 1963... 

Happy 1st Anniversary for SSKM!


Sabah and Sarawak has been governed under the current Administration since 1963. That was the year Malaysia was born and sadly, that was a new beginning of political slavery that took place in these two promising lands. Sabah and Sarawak were seen and mentioned by the current Administration as their fix deposits which they gain in terms of political "interest" during Election time has taken their natives, people and produce for granted.

Such blessed soil that produces crops such as Palm Oil and Rubber should have converted into massive developments for the locals in both States especially when the commodity prices escalates over the years. However, the sad and horrible Truth is that the People were left and abandon from further developments. Education systems that continue to suppres the creativity minds of the people in fear that the future generations might wake up one day to fight for what was theirs in the very FIRST PLACE. The SALCRA programs for both States were designed to keep generations of natives and locals as their working horse while they cash in by making millions individually. Individuals gain immeasurable wealth at the expense of these ignorant and innocent people. The current NEP system and policies have given birth to a crippled nation in these two States.

The Coming Independence Day for a Country called Sabah (North Borneo)

Salam sejahtera kepada semua warga Borneo~ Sabah (North Borneo@Borneo Utara) dan juga Sarawak... Sebelum ini, kita telah merayakan hari Kemerdekaan bagi Negara Sarawak... Walaupun sambutan hari kemerdekaan Negara Sarawak tidak disambut secara besar-besaran, namun saya percaya bahawa ramai warga bangsa Sarawak telah merayakannya mengikut cara tersendiri... Sarawak merdeka pada 22 Julai 1963  dan kini sudah mencapai 49 tahun merdeka. 

When the people talk about Malaysia...

When the people talk about Malaysia... They will mean Malaya. When Malaya mention about Malaysia, they will say... "Malaysia termasuk Sabah dan Sarawak..." But when we, Borneon (Sabahan and Sarawakian) talk about Malaysia, we will mean about the sharing power of three State Government~ Sabah (North Borneo), Sarawak and Malaya (Singapore been kicked out from Malaysia by Malaya without permission from the leaders of State Government of Sabah and Sarawak). Now, can you all see the different???

Fact about Sarawak!

Protect your Country my fellow friends from Sarawak...! Protect it with all your heart, mind, soul and strength...!

Why Independence are the best for Borneo-Sabah & Sarawak.

That question could not be more clear, straightforward and fair, a point I am pleased to see has been acknowledged by many commentators and indeed by few international parties, whatever their views on independence itself. There are, inevitably, some voices among the anti-independence camp who have cried foul at the question – but really, what are they afraid of? It seems "they" know they are losing the argument and are now scared stiff of losing the agreement which are well known it is null and void.


Do celebrate this day on this coming 22 July 2012 because this day is very precious for all of you, my Sarawakian friends... Protect it and remember it always!


Captured from CHAPTER 2 : ENQUIRY IN NORTH BORNEO, Section D. - Summary of Evidence from Indegenous and Chinese Populations and Political Parties ; 118 (e) Status of North Borneo in Malaysia.

Bukti Sabah sebagai bukan satu daripada 13 atupun 14 negeri dalam Malaysia.

The Better Future for Sabah (North Borneo) and Sarawak!

You don't have to say anything... By looking at this budget, you will understand everything... Before and after Sabah and Sarawak achieve their real Independence day...

Please sign the petition to support this cause... SABAH SARAWAK KELUAR MALAYSIA'S ONLINE PETITION

Thank you.

Bukti bahawa Sabah (North Borneo) dan Sarawak adalah sebuah Negara!

Wang kertas yang pernah digunakan suatu ketika dulu... Ia membuktikan bahawa Sarawak, Borneo Utara (North Borneo/Sabah), Brunei dan Persekutuan Malaya merupakan negara yang berasingan... Dan konsep ini tidak ubah seperti penggunaan EURO hari ini oleh negara kesatuan Eropah.

North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak are the members of the Commonwealth Games and Asian Games

My fellow friends from Sabah (North Borneo) and Sarawak... Did you know that Sabah (North Borneo) and Sarawak were the former members of Commonwealth Games and Asian Games? I bet you don't know about it. That's why I'm here to share with you about the fact that "YES, We were the former member of these prestigious Games ". What would that suppose to mean? Well, it mean that... We are a Country. Even though during that time we were under British Colonization. One thing that you MUST REMEBER AND PUT IT IN MIND that WE ARE NOT A STATE (NEGERI) AS WHAT WE'VE BEEN TOLD BY THE MALAYA GOVERNMENT DURING PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL. Even today, they still keep on their lying towards the Sovereign and Independence Nations of Sabah (North Borneo) and Sarawak by saying that we are equal states like the other states in Malaya. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! By giving such a statement, they are not showing respect towards us! 


Sabahan/Sarawakian yang pro atau menyokong malaysia biasanya mengemukakan banyak alasan kerana mereka tidak mahu/takut jika Sabah dan Sarawak Keluar Malaysia.padahal yang dikatakan risiko oleh mereka bukannya tidak dapat diatasi.adakah sebenarnya mereka tidak mahu negara merdeka atas sebab pribadi?apapun, post kali ini mengemukakan alasan yang selalu dipakai mereka dan jawaban kita.

Dont fear to sign petition for Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM)!

Dont fear to sign petition! Jangan kita takut untuk menandatangani petition ini... Keluar dari Malaysia bukanlah satu perkara mustahil. Biarlah anak watan kita sendiri yang mentadbir Negara Sarawak dan Negara Sabah. Kita menunggu 300000 tandatangan dan seterusnya membolehkan Pihak UN menjalankan tugas mereka. Cukup sudah kita Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak dipijak oleh orang lain. Minta semua tandatangan. Ibu-ibu, bapa- bapa, adik-beradik, ahli keluarga... Janganlah risau, bersama-sama kita memelihara Tanahair Kita...
Jangan tidak menandatangan... Saya pun dah menandatanganinya.
Kak telo medut sain petition ieh... Keluar man malaysia debei mustahil. Biar anak liko telo menaban Negara Sarawak... Telo lulo 300000 laweh bak sain beh ien UN akan pigik tugas lien. Cukup ngak liko telo gak Negara Sarawak tikap 'a... Badak sain semuah... Lo tina, atama... Janak-janak lo adik-kakak... Kak tukud. Sama-sama telo jemaga liko telo... Sain kak debei sain... Ko pun ngak sain..
Kada tokou korosi mongoi sain diti petition.lumabus mantad malaysia okonko moginipi.biar no tulun tokou sondii momorinta diti Pogun Sabah.magandad tokou 300,000 sumain diti petition moi do kaanu di UN momonsoi kalaja diolo.ula no tokou Pogun Sabah do mai ulak-ulako tulun do suai.mokianu toinsanan do sumain.ina-apa,inan-aman,tompinai,keluarga...kada kotongob.miampai tokou momogompi iti Pogun tokou.kada au sumain.yoku nga kasain no kasari.

重要的公告::任何的朋友, 不要害怕签署这份请愿书...脱离马来西亚是可能的。让我们自己的祖国,执政沙捞越。我们正在等待300,000签名,从而使联合国履行其职责。沙捞越是足够的,我们已加强别人。要求所有的签名。母亲,父亲,兄弟和姐妹,家庭成员...不用担心,我们一起保持祖国,我们...不签...我已经签了字......请点击下面的链接

Pergo et perago|| Dum spiro spero

Minyak & Gas Negara Sabah dan Sarawak

Salam sejahtera kepada semua Sabahan dan Sarawakian... Disini saya ingin kongsikan mengenai apa yang sebenarnya dimaksudkan dengan minyak & gas Negara Sabah dan Sarawak. Dapatkah anda melihat kawasan hitam dekat dengan Negara kita (Sabahan dan Sarawakian)? Itulah sebenarnya minyak dan gas Sabah Sarawak. Lihatlah betapa besarnya telaga minyak kita yang mana ia adalah 100% hak milik bangsa Sabah dan Sarawak. Tapi mari kita mengambil sedikit waktu dan jujur dengan hati jiwa kita... Adakah kita menikmati hasil daripada minyak dan gas Negara kita yang tercinta ini? Adakah hasil yang kita terima ini berpatutan selama kita bersama malaya dalam Persekutuan Malaysia selama 49 tahun ini yang mana ia sepatutnya perkongsian EMPAT KUASA & EMPAT NEGARA? 
***(kini telah menjadi tiga negara selepas singapore dikeluarkan pada tahun 1965)***

What are the impact to us without the 18/20 point agreement

This is a superficial writing but enough to trigger your thinking about why are we in this situation today. Malaya was not honest with us and the most important thing we have current leaders who are willing to sell out Sarawak to UMNO Malay agenda. We are suffering today because our own kind is going against our interest and they got financial reward for doing so. What do you call this kind of people? There are sitting in leadership position and they make the rule to suit themselves – not the well being of Sarawak.

18/20 points is to safe guard Sabah Sarawak from being “taken advantage” of by Malaya/Singapore.

Sabah and Sarawak should get out of Malaysia

Written by: Dr. John Brian Anthony

I saw that the above captioned is very prominent in the face book. The followers are  gathering steam and I wonder how could this happen to the younger generation of Sabah and Sarawak. What did the Sabah /Sarawak youth see and experience  in Malaysia today that make them angry. Doesn’t the BN government try to make them happy?

Colonization of Sabah and Sarawak.

As we all know, the reason are many and these young educated mind can collect information from all sources, analyze it and make their own conclusion that Sabah / Sarawak (S/S) is but a colony of Malaya. S/S form Malaysia with Malaya and Singapore in the hope of a better future. In the end, as of today, Malaysia bring land grab, make illegal immigrant powerful that they can vote the government they want, lost job opportunities to Malayan people, lost their natural resources revenue to Malaya, bullied by officials who run the religious department, deprived of premier education opportunity, made poor and government could not care less, and all in all the future of S / S is not going to be better under the colonial policies (ketuanan melayu) of Malaya.
The above paragraph seemed to sum up the pent up frustration and anger of the youth of S/S. Little wonder then that Pakatan Rakyat is picking up support as the young voters start to reject BN Government.

Sarawak may leave Malaysia sooner than expected

Written by: Dr. John Brian Anthony

Federal Government proposed to have 1 additional Army Division in Sabah and additional Brigade strength for Sarawak. What is the meaning and implication of this proposal? Is the Federal Gov’t worried about the rising sentiment in Sarawak to get out of Malaysia?   Sarawakian feel than Kuala Lumpur is colonizing the State in every sense of the word.

Sarawak against the British colony

Just the other day I had discussion with some friends who wanted to know whether Sarawak is serious about getting out of Malaysia as seen in many blogs and Face Book discussion.  Frankly, Sarawakian felt colonize by Malaya today. From History, Sarawak responded negatively towards Britain when Sarawak was a colony that one of Sarawak son killed the British Government by plunging a knife into the gentlemen while inspecting a parade given in honour of the Governor’s visit. The British Governor subsequently died.

Prior to being made a colony under British rule many Dayak War Chiefs fought wars with the Brookes. Of all the War chiefs, Rentap was the most famous for being able to defeat the Brooke army twice and made his last stance at Bukit Sadok.

Sebab Mengapa Sabah dan Sarawak Mesti Keluar Malaysia

Salam sejahtera kepada semua terutama sekali warga Sabahan and Sarawakian... Entri saya untuk kali ini adalah bertajuk "Sebab Mengapa Sabah dan Sarawak Mesti Keluar Malaysia". Perkongsian ini adalah hasil daripada perbincangan dengan kumpulan Patriotik warga Sabah dan Sarawak di Facebook dengan nama "Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM)". Setiap perlakuan dan tindakan yang diambil oleh seseorang individu atau kumpulan mesti disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor yang telah menggugat kepentingan atau keselamatan atau keamanan atau kesemuanya sekali yang mana ia telah menjurus kepada kebangkitan untuk mendapatkan keadilan yang diperjuangkan. Dalam konteks ini, Bangsa Sabah dan Sarawak telah bangkit dengan berani dan bertekad setelah 48 tahun lamanya bersama dengan Malaya sejak pembentukkan Malaysia pada 16 September 1963, untuk tidak ingin lagi meneruskan hubungan sebagai rakan kongsi. Ini adalah disebabkan oleh Penipuan, Penindasan, Ketamakan, Pengkhianatan serta Kejahatan yang telah dilakukan oleh Malaya terhadap Bangsa Sabah dan Sarawak.

Mengapa saya mengatakan demikian? Ini akan saya buktikan kepada fakta-fakta yang jelas akan membuatkan anda bersetuju dengan kenyataan ini.

Fakta Pertama
Perjanjian Malaysia yang ditandatangani di London pada 9 Julai 1963, SUDAH TERBATAL!

Calling for Sabahan and Sarawakian support...

I am here to update about myself... To all my blogger friends... You might noticed a lot about my entries in this blog is totally different than before right.... It's more about Sabahan and Sarawakian stories which I believe that in your point of view, I already put myself in the politic world... I want to clarify here about this matter... I am not involve in politic... What I post here in my blog nothing to do with politic... Some of my post look like politic, but in fact, it's not a politic... It's a sharing about the history that was happening before in Sabah and it is something that every Sabahan should do, so that our next generation to next generation will learn from it and get inspiration and to think about what is really happening in the past, presently and in the future...

We cannot keep ourselves ignorant anymore about this matter otherwise we will be end up by allowing outsider to suppress us in all aspects in life such as in economic, administration, education, development, employment and many more (in the other word... Colonize us). It's the time for all Sabahan to wake up and be brave to stand for the truth. We need to help each other to update about the past and current situation... And I am here volunteer for this job. No one pay me to do this... And I am even risking myself for this purpose...

Still not many people know that Sabah and Sarawak DID NOT join Malaysia

In 1963, four separate governments decided to join together as one nation. The already independent Malaya, Singapore, British North Borneo (now Sabah) and Sarawak. Of course we all know what happened to Singapore in 1965 and although Minister Mentor Lee was pretty much saddened, he decided to move on and today Singapore is many steps ahead of Malaysia. Anyway, let's focus back to Sabah. Today, Sabah and Sarawak is just treated as 'another' Malaysian state.

Lesson no. 1: Not many people know that Sabah and Sarawak DID NOT join Malaysia. Sabah and Sarawak, together with Singapore and Malaya, are equal partners in the formation of Malaysia.
What? Does this mean that Sabah and Sarawak isn't just a state in Malaysia? That's correct. In fact, Sabah and Sarawak are equals to Malaya. THey are not equals to Selangor, Perak and definitely not Malacca. Many Sabahans and Sarawakians don't know this because the history books in Malaysia try to water-down the significance of this. Why not? The Feds i.e. UMNOputras need to control Sabah and Sarawak. They control the Education Ministry. Education falls under the Federal Govt. And thus, the Federal Government, through the Education Ministry wipes out the political and historical strength of Malaysian Borneo. Only recently when Malaysian Borneo delivered the backbone of Barisan Nasional parliamentary seats have they realized the need to take our views and opinions in regard.

We did not lose anything in the Malaysia Agreement but the Federal Government did not fulfill and adhere to the Malaysian Agreement

Has the Federal breached the treaty signed between Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya in 1963 for not fulfilling the contents of the agreement? Up till today peoples of Sabah are still questioning the legality of the Malaysian Agreement 1963 as the clause inside the agreement is drafted to include Singapore and Brunei which saw Singapore was being kicked out and Brunei did not sign the agreement.

Where is your stand now??? If you are not sure, take your time and listen to what he say...

Adakah anda berfikir perjuangan Sabah & Sarawak Keluar Malaysia satu Jenaka???

Jika anda adalah Sabahan atau Sarawakian, maka sila lah tunaikan tanggungjawab anda... Sokong petition ini .

This is what the government afraid of..

Please spend your time to watch this video... Thank you.

The Power of Dream

Everything start with a dream... Hear me oh my Sabahan and Sarawakian friends... I have a dream... A dream to see my land become a truly independence country... Together with Sarawak... 48 years being colonized... Patience no more... No more excuses...

Hear me oh my Sabahan and Sarawakian friends...
I might not live long enough in this world...
But before the time come...
I want to contribute my mind and everything I have...
To everything I dream of...

Join "Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM) group" in Facebook.

Join this group if you are Sabahan or Sarawakian... Why? From this group, you will get firm understanding about our current condition in Economy, Administration, Education and etc. And the most important thing is History of Malaysia Formation. In this group, they are unite to share and educate people of Sabahan and Sarawakian about their right to demand the Independence of these both Nation of Sabah (North Borneo) and Sarawak.

Petition Tag- Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia

Hi everyone... Sorry for not updating my blog for almost 2 month... Sorry to all my blogger's friend... But, here I am right now... With you all... for my latest entry, I would like to share with you about Petition Tag-Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia. For all Sabahan and Sarawakian... Please fill this petition... If you wish to see your future generation live in harmony and peace, then, this is the initial step to do so... We need to gather more than 200 000 signature from the people of Sabah and Sarawak to support this petition which is this petition will be bring to United Nation (UN) to be present that Sabahan and Sarawakian people are no longer interested to be partnership with Peninsular...


PARADIGMA ringkas ini tentunya bukan rebutan setiap orang untuk membacanya atas dua sebab. Pertama, saya bukan penulis yang ternama dan jauh sekali dari seorang pemikir besar.
Kedua, dimensi Gagasan Idea yang terkandung di dalamnya berkaitan dengan dunia masa depan atau sejarah waktu muka yang akan membentangkan bahawa, merana bakal menghiasi atau mewarnai kehidupan bumiputera Sabah, melainkan Sabahan serentak bangun menangani cabaran kedaulatan 20 Perkara yang menjadi pagar emas autonomi Sabah dalam Malaysia.
Dengan ungkapan lain, konsep kedaulatan Sabah dalam praktikal kenegaraan Malaysia masa kini, jauh sekali dari kebajikan sejati dan kemakmuran hakiki sebagai suatu bangsa yang telah merdeka.

A Memorandum on the Fate of Sabah in the Federation of Malaysia

A Memorandum on the Fate of Sabah in the Federation of Malaysia
by Tony Minggir on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at 1:07pm

Presented by DANIEL JOHN JAMBUN, Esq.
At the House of Commons,
Westminster Parliament, London,
On March 9, 2010

Good afternoon all Honourable Members of the House, ladies and gentlemen.

First of all, I would like to record our most sincere gratitude having been given this honour of presenting this memorandum before this esteemed House. Today, marks a moment of honour for the people of Sabah, the former North Borneo, for having been accorded this rare opportunity to present a Memorandum a matter of grave significance, a matter which affect our fate as the people of the Federation of Malaysia. We see this as a historical event, a moment granted by God’s grace, in which we can communicate under this honourable roof, to reminisce a milestone of history half a century ago which was followed by sad events that in too many instances happened with numerous misgivings.

For decades now, we the people of Sabah, have been haunted by ghosts of history dating back to August 31, 1963, the day we gained independence from Great Britain. Malaysia was conceptualised and constituted with the best of promises, endearing in us hopes and dreams for a greater future. It is with sadness that I stand here to witness that what had transpired since September 16, 1963 had been a series of events that had led us to the present situation in which we can justly proclaim to be a situation of shattered hopes and broken dreams!

Jeffrey's experience of the ISA

WHEN former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad applauded Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's proposal to abolish the ISA, he described the ISA as "not too cruel".
But Jeffrey Kitingan recalls a very different scenario in Mahathir's office in January 1994 upon his release from ISA detention.
Mahathir apparently said then, "I am sorry about the detention, Jeffrey, I know it is cruel." "The cruelty of ISA is immeasurable," Jeffrey says.
Recalling the details of his arrest, Jeffrey said he had to sign a letter the police had given him at the Tambunan Ka'amatan (Harvest Festival) on 10 May 1991 in the presence of some 200 FRU personnel, who left immediately after he signed it.

18 and 20 Points

For my Sabahan and Sarawakian friends... Please spread this video to others... This is the TRUE and FACT! Rise UP my fellow Sabahan and Sarawakian...! Time to CHANGE has come... Let us all UNITE!



PERJANJIAN Malaysia adalah satu perjanjian yang terikat yang telah ditnadatangani oleh beberapa perwakilan daripada lima pihak iaitu United kingdom of Great Britain, dan Ireland Utara, Persekutuan Malaya, Borneo Utara (Sabah), Sarawak dan Singapura.

Objektif utama perjanjian tersebut adalah berhubung dengan pembentukan Persekutuan Malaysia di antara Malaya, Borneo Utara (Sabah), Sarawak dan Singapura sebagai rakan kongsi yang sama.

Kemasukan United Kingdom sebagai satu gabungan dan penandatangan terhadap perjanjian tersebut adalah sebagai bapa penjaga terutama bagi Negeri-negeri Borneo Sabah dan Sarawak dan juga Negeri Singapura dimana kedaulatan dan bidang kuasa masih berkuat kuasa.

Ia juga boleh dikatakan bahawa United Kingdom adalah satu-satunya permerhati utama terhadap perjanjian tersebut untuk melihat apabila penyerahan terakhir kedaulatan dan bidang kuasa terhadap Sabah, Sarawak dan Negeri Singapura supaya syarat utama, seperti ‘20 perkara’ hak perlindungan Sabah yang mana dipersetujui untuk disekutukan dengan Malaya bagi membentuk Persekutuan Malaysia dapat diperhatikan, digabungkan, dilaksanakan dan dihormati.

Perjanjian Malaysia digabungkan dengan berbagai-bagai dokumen (seperti yang terkandung) termasuklah Rang Undang-Undang Malaysia, kini ialah Akta Malaysia 1963. Gabungan dokumen-dokumen ini termasuklah syarat penyertaan dan peraturan perlembagaan terhadap Sabah dan Sarawak dirujuk untuk membentuk Malaysia.

Sept 16 is a black day for Sabah

By Jeffrey Kitingan

Celebrating Malaysia Day on Sept 16 would be meaningless, hollow and empty unless the special rights and autonomy of Sabah and Sarawak as agreed, promised and assured by the Founding Fathers of Malaysia are fulfilled.

The Founding Fathers of Malaysia from the Borneo states took great risks to agree and to be pushed and rushed into the merger with Malaya and Singapore to the extent of denying themselves (the Borneo States) the opportunity to attain political maturity first and to enjoy the freedom and practice of self-rule as what is now enjoyed by Brunei.

This is despite the fact that opinions and assessments from various quarters involved in the negotiations gave a clear and mature signal to the merger.

For example, according to British documents released recently, Sir William Goode (last Governor of British North Borneo) and Waddle (British Representative in Singapore) insisted “that Borneo

is not ready for self-government, which they fear would turn out to be an unequal partnership between the Borneo Horse and the Malayan Rider.

A Sharing of mine towards the 16 September 2011

Hi everyone... It has been 2 weeks already I didn't update my blog... Sorry for that... Yeah, the same words keep repeating... Haha... For my latest entry, I would like to share some video which I think that as a Sabahan and Malaysian, you are compulsory to watch it... Know your Land's history will remind you about what do we need to struggle soon... Let us be strong and unite together to form a better future for our next generation to come... We might a little bit late to feel the new atmosphere but not to our future generation... If we did a mistake now, this will surely affect our future generation just how the previous leader has done to our life... Here I might be a little bit (more) PATRIOTIC to our Beloved LAND BELOW THE WIND... You can see this through my entry and the next... Bear in mind about the FORMATION of MALAYSIA... WE ARE NOT THE EXTENSION STATE OF MALAYA BUT RATHER A PARTNERSHIP IN FORMING THE MALAYSIA in 16 SEPTEMBER 1963... Together with our neighboring state, SARAWAK. As the history told us, Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak together forming Malaysia which makes the Malaysia today well known in the world (because of the messy politic created by the large group of selfish and annoying people )... But then in 1965, Malaya kick Singapore due to political concern and left Sabah & Sarawak alone... 

Susunan yang sepatutnya diamalkan di Sabah. Ingat, kita bukan Negeri dalam Malaysia,  kita adalah  RAKAN KONGSI dalam pembentukan Malaysia. Taraf Sabah dan Sarawak jauh lebih tinggi daripada negeri di Semenanjung. ITU KENYATAAN!
*** As you can see, the number of jalur suppose to be 14, but here is only 12 jalur. Why? Again, we are not the extension state of Malaya... !*** 

The Problem is Peninsula's and not Sabah's

"I hate to be included in the race just because I'm a Muslim it doesn't mean I agree with it. Who is my wakil to speak on my behalf? I can't remember much nor have I heard in the past if any of the Peninsula's (Semenanjung or Malaya) based ethnic groups ever used word "Allah" when referring to God. Thus no great surprise when some Muslims from this part of the country worked up when they heard non-Muslims from Malaysia Borneo saying it.

For the first time? After 50-odd years? They didn't realise after all that Christians or non-Christians a like (besides Muslims) from Malaysia Borneo refer their God as Allah too.

The hooha-hooha about the word Allah started in Peninsular where the people there never used it, while the irony Malaysians in Borneo used it never even bother to care who owns it-who are most perturbed? Now the battle ground end up in Kuala Lumpur, plain funny! There are lots more things that people from Peninsula aren't familiar with.

Briefly I give a typical background of Malaysian Borneo with regard to Islamic religion. Most of us, the Muslim today had our fore parents weren't Muslims, like me, for instance as later as only three generations. My granddad's parents were pagan looked after by Muslims' family I therefore became Muslim today. I have many cousins who aren't Muslims all over Borneo, yet I don't remember if ever religion was an issue among us.

If there is an argument about faith whether we did it right or wrong I shall standby for any call to debate.
A few months ago I was in the Church as well at the Christian's graveyard burying my late cousin.

Even today a number of young people in Sabah who voluntarily embraced Islam, where in a family, some of the children or relatives take up Islam as their religion whilst their parents are Christian or some have no particular religion.

They still live under one roof. The novelty though, the way I see it, its only fair and logical for children to look after their parents who are no longer working, in other words, the children's turn to take care of their elderly parents. More interestingly every Sunday, the children send their parents to Church because the parents choose to go, while at the same token the children go to the mosque. The parents constantly reminding their Children to be strictly follow their new faith that they voluntarily embraced. The children performed the Islamic ritual, praying or even attending religious classes, and doing like ordinary Muslims are doing and no quarrel in the house.

And I must say this; I'm astounded with disgrace by the lackadaisical attitude by some of Islamic Religious officers in the State who in dispensing their duty are far more concerned about their overtime pays then their actual role as religious officers. My opinion again is that, all religion somehow started with simple beginning that was how Islam attracted mankind at its earlier period. It's not religion that created misery; it's the people- the Muslims so to speak. I agree with Dr Faisal Al Qasim who fears we may end up like Pakistan-a failed state.

Back to the issue of word Allah, at the country's High Court of law, judgment had been made, okaying the use of world Allah, I already heard some people pitying the judge who laboured with the burden by putting forward justice first.
But no, to some Muslims calling Allah confuses people or confuses all Muslims, which is which? That has been the reason of disallowing others to use word Allah.

The President of Council of Justices of Peace who is also the Chairman of Institute for Development Studies Sabah, Datuk Clarence Bongkos Malakun made a high profile statement, urging the Christians in particular Roman Catholic of the country or shall I say, asking fellow Christians to stay clear. Anyone connected to this affair should compromise; that there is a need to take stoke looking at the present situation and in the interest of national security and public order. To cut short, please Christians drop the word Allah let the Muslim brothers have exclusive right.

After all Malakun said, we already won the first round at the court of law. He urged all must understand that Muslims brothers are angry because they feel that the word Allah is traditionally used in Malaysia refer to the Islamic concept of God.
To be frank I feel disgusted with such statement. No better than giving sweets to a three-year-old kid, I'm sure some people have other opinion but I think this is not a scholarly opinion.

Instead he should have explained why is there a different in the way we think here compare with some people in Peninsula with regard to this topic, and why being sulky? In all honestly nothing to compromise or pitying one another, to me behaving in this manner is only to be read that we Malaysians Borneo have no constructive opinion on our own to offer to the nation.

My view is our country is losing its luster in one-way or the other. The country is already losing credibility when talking about religious and ethnic tolerance, which I considered to be round three. Round one, on economic front, our nation is no longer a tiger as what it was called decades ago. Round two country's administrations are marred by never-ending scandals.

Another classical example is how the jet fighter engines of Royal Malaysia Air Force could be shipped out of the country under the very noses of guardians of the nation.

The findings in the end is only blaming a lowly ranking airman, as if nothing serious ever happening.

I would imagine a better lesson for them would be to suspend all the big brass from duties until all issues resolved. So too, the other day was with reference to Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission-MACC. PM should have suspended all the bosses connected with the case until issues resolved then only there is a fair chance that the country's leaders regain people's confidence. That's what I called action. Today, so far, any action taken is no more than cosmetic repair, like, trying to rid a pimple on the face after eating too much peanuts?"

Amde Sidik, a part-time university law lecturer and local author.

Source: SAPP